Operating in Contested Urban Environments: The Aussies Look at New Technologies

1/22/18: The 2017 Contested Urban Environment Strategic Challenge (CUE17), a multi-national defence technology activity led by Defence Science and Technology, was held in Adelaide from 20 November to 1 December 2017. [maxgallery id="103874"] The purpose of CUE17 was to investigate new and emerging technologies that can improve the intelligence, surveillance…

HMAS Warramunga Continues Counter-Drug Mission

1/22/2018 HMAS Warramunga intercepted and boarded a suspect vessel in international waters in the Arabian Sea on 07 January, seizing more than 100 kilograms of heroin, valued at approximately AUD$33 million. The operation was planned by the Combined Maritime Forces’ Combined Task Force 150 (CTF-150) which is commanded by Australia…

SAREX 2017: Royal Canadian Air Force

02/19/2018: "A year’s worth of planning has come to fruitition. We started off the exercise with a para accuracy event that challenged our SAR techs at hitting a marked target. We moved into Monday where we did a major air disaster exercise where a number of agencies from 8 Wing produced a scenario that really stressed…