Overview on SPMAGTF Southern Command Deployment

12/22/2016: Wrapping up a six-month rotation, Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-Southern Command (SPMAGTF-SC) re-deployed to the United States Nov. 21, 2016. With the approval of the Government of Honduras, the unit was based out of Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras from June-November, where they operated across the northern-tier of Central America…

Marine Col. George Rowell on the F-35B at the Farnbourgh Airshow

12/15/2016: Marine Col. George Rowell, the CO of VMX-1 at the Farnborough International Airshow 2016 (FIA16) discusses the visit to the Farnbourgh Airshow this past summer. VMX-1 is working the con ops of integrating the F-35B with the Osprey and the CH-53K for the MAGTF and we did interviews with VMX-1…

Danish Air Force and the Counter-Piracy Mission

12/15/2016: NATO’s last counter-piracy surveillance aircraft is flying her final mission, as part of Operation Ocean Shield. The Royal Danish Air Force crew of a Challenger surveillance aircraft tells us how much the coast of Somalia has changed since the height of pirate activity in the Horn of Africa. The mission…

Shelter for Strike Element Hornets

12/10/2016: Maintenance personnel with Air Task group 630 are able to escape the heat and distraction on the flightline at Australia's main air operations base in the Middle East. A 4K Hangar - so named because it covers an area of 4000 square feet - has been constructed to allow maintenance…

USMC About USS America: The Future is Now

2016-12-09 : PACIFIC OCEAN (NOV. 17, 2016) The F-35 Lightning II Pax River Integrated Test Force (ITF) wrapped up its third and final developmental test phase (DT-III) of the F-35B Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing (STOVL) variant aboard amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) on November 17. The Pax River…

F-35B Lightning II Completes Operations Aboard USS America (LHA 6): 2

12/09/2016: PACIFIC OCEAN (NOV. 17, 2016) The F-35 Lightning II Pax River Integrated Test Force (ITF) wrapped up its third and final developmental test phase (DT-III) of the F-35B Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing (STOVL) variant aboard amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) on November 17. The Pax River ITF’s…

F-35B Lightning II Completes Operations Aboard USS America (LHA 6): 1

12/06/2016: PACIFIC OCEAN (NOV. 17, 2016) The F-35 Lightning II Pax River Integrated Test Force (ITF) wrapped up its third and final developmental test phase (DT-III) of the F-35B Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing (STOVL) variant aboard amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) on November 17. The Pax River ITF’s…