F-35B Twilight Operations

2013-10-19  The Integrated Test Force operates F-35B test aircraft aboard the USS Wasp at twilight in August 2013. The tests were a part of Developmental Test Phase Two for the F-35B STOVL variant. According to Lt. Col. Gillette, currently the X0 of the Squadron and in transition with the jet…

Edge of the Envelope Testing of the F-35A

2013-05-21 The US Air Force (USAF) has successfully completed high angle of attack (AoA) testing of the F-35A Lightning II conventional take off and landing (CTOL) fighter aircraft at Edwards Air Force Base (AFB) in California, US.  Carried out by the F-35 Integrated Test Force (ITF) team, the edge-of-the-envelope testing accomplished…

The First F-35B Night Flight

April 3, 2013 PATUXENT RIVER, Md. - An F-35B Lightning II completed the first short takeoff and vertical landing during a test mission at night to expand the flight envelope and deliver capability to the warfighter. Marine Corps test pilot Maj. C.R. Clift conducted the flight April 2 to gather…

The F-35 Flight Test Program: 2012

2013-01-28 The F-35 flight test program ended a successful year in 2012.  We have interviewed many of the participants in the flight test program at Eglin AFB, Fort Worth and Yuma Arizona. The standup of the first F-35B squadron with the USMC is part of an overall innovation approach being…

The F-35 and High Angle of Attack Flight Testing

2012-11-19 According to a Lockheed Martin Press Release: An F-35A Lightning II conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) aircraft rapidly expanded its high angle of attack (AOA) test envelope to its 50 degree limit in only four flights during recent flight testing here. F-35A test aircraft are limited to AOAs of…

The F-35 and Weapons Certification

Weapons certification is the next step to moving the F-35 along to initial operational capability. The standing up of the first F-35 B squadron at Yuma Air Station in November will see the process of building a capable F-35 force begin. Weapons certification is an important step as well. In…

The UK, the F-35 and Strategic Considerations

2012-08-03 by Robbin Laird We have posted a number of articles during the UK government's deliberation with regard to the F-35C versus the F-35B.  In a PDF special report included in this article, we have brought those articles together into one report.  A key element not so obvious within the…

Flying the F-35: A Pilot’s Perspective

Landing an F-35B vertically is more straightforward than it looks, and far easier than doing the same in an AV-8B Harrier, said Peter Wilson, a former U.K. military aviator who is now BAE Systems’ chief test pilot. “It’s just like magic,” Wilson told the reporters who assembled at the Farnborough…