E.T.I. Team

The Equipment for Technological Intervention Team (E.T.I. Team) Function : This Equipment makes it possible a Technological Intervention Team (T.I. Team) CBRN incident. The detachment is armed with specific materials making it possible to ensure the following functions : To delimit the zone of intervention. To carry out surveys and…

CBRN Detection, Protection and Training

Biolab H2O's Mission A White Paper By Biolab H2O Biolab H2O’s mission is to study, develop, produce and market innovative multi-purpose mobile units to detect, analyze, survey and quantify all suspected chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear (CBRN) contaminations. BiolabH2O is also designed to analyze and treat any type of water…

Biological and Chemical Warfare Agent Field Detectors and Triggers

A White Paper By Proengin Proengin has developed biological and chemical warfare agents field detectors using flame spectrophotometry. The well-known and world-wide used AP2C has proven the capacity of flame spectrophotometry to be the most reliable on the field with the lowest false-alarm rate and the simplest ease of use.…

The Rapid Identification and Intervention Cells

R2IC and R2IC.HQ www.biolabh2o.fr Function The Rapid Intervention and Identification Cell is a integrated mobile unit built in a tailor made vehicle. These cells make it possible for a quick intervention by rapid deployment into zones contaminated by a CBRN. Benefits Equipped with specialised apparatus, these cells make it possible…

Nuclear And Radiological Threats Detection Solutions

From Early Warning To Identification A White Paper By Mirion Technologies Since the second half of the XXth century, the nuclear threat has been - and still remains - one of the major threat in terms of  weapons of mass destruction which armed forces have been prepared to face. More…


MULTIRAD-LLR Radiation Meter Feature Highlights Ratemeter covering Tactical high range and Low Level Radiations (LLR)range Measurement of gamma dose rate and dose calculation Stand-alone internal detectors and complete range of external probes Compact and lightweight MULTIRAD has been designed to operate in harsh environmental conditions [caption id="attachment_15680" align="alignleft" width="151" caption="Multirad…


RADIAC System Radiac System for Naval Vessel Feature Highlights Detection and warning of nuclear radiation for ships operating in a CBN threats environment Complies with ANEP-57 Real-time monitoring of the nuclear radiation hazard inside and outside the ship (airframe ; decks ; CBN filtration units) Operates fixed mounted and portable…