Manufacturing the CH-53K: Adding a Key Crisis Management Capability to the Force

The CH-53K provides a truly unique heavy lift capability. Not only is it fully designed to operate in a wide variety of support missions from the sea base, but it is built as a digital aircraft from the ground up. Given its digital systems, it can work with a variety…

Reshaping the Osprey Fleet: The Logistics Challenge

By Robbin Laird I have had the opportunity to follow the standup of the Osprey from the outset of its first deployments. Clearly, one highlight of shaping that narrative was the first time it was used in combat in Afghanistan. That interview was done by phone with Lt Col. Bianca,…

Strategy, Concepts of Operations and Technology: The Challenge and Opportunity of Shaping a Distributed C2 Enabled Force

By Robbin Laird I would argue that the US and its allies are not so much facing a great power competition. I would refer to it as a global contest between 21st century authoritarian powers and the liberal democracies. And on each side of the competition there is significant cross learning…

Fighting at The Speed of Light: Making it All Work

By Ed Timperlake Honoring, and empowering human’s engaged in the deadly serious occupation of defending their fellow citizens as combat warriors in putting their life on the line  is everything in a military analysis before any future technology discussions can begin. It is no good to talk about future technologies…

An Update on SP-MAGTF: From the Logistical Point of View

During my recent visit to Australia, a major focus of attention was upon the challenge facing the Australian Defence Force to sustain that force through a crisis period if a peer competitor was involved. And one of the speakers highlighted the significant challenge of moving beyond the Middle Eastern mindset…

The Australian Elections and Australian Defence

The defeat of Labor was not widely expected in Australia. Scott Morrison led the Liberals to a largely unanticipated electoral victory. This will mean that as PM in which he clearly led the coalition to victory he will have more authority initially than might be normal in the Aussie context.…

A Look Back at the Remarkable US-Brazilian Military Relationship

By Kenneth Maxell Frank D. McCann, professor of history emeritus at the University of New Hampshire, has long been an observer of US-Brazilian military relationships. He knows both sides very intimately. He taught at West Point in the 1960s during the Vietnam War. He met privately with the Vice-President of…