SANDF Way Ahead: Priorities and Challenges

By defenceWeb The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) has revealed its short and long term priorities, including border safeguarding, anti-piracy patrol and continental peacekeeping, which it aims to pursue in spite of severe funding cuts. In the Department of Defence 2018 Annual Performance Plan, Secretary for Defence Dr Sam Gulube…

Indian Naval Agreement with Seychelles Cancelled

by Oscar Nkala, Seychelles President Danny Faure says his government has cancelled the security cooperation agreement signed early this year for the establishment of an Indian naval base on the remote island of Assumption. Addressing the media during his second presidential conference of 2018 on June 8, President Faure said the…

Launching the Second Hundred Years of the RAF: Setting in Motion UK F-35 Operations

By Robbin Laird In early May 2018, I visited RAF Marham where the RAF and the Royal Navy was getting ready to receive their F-35s which have been operating in the United States with the USMC and the US Air Force, the former at MCAS Beaufort Air Station and the…

The HMS Queen Elizabeth and Crafting the Way Ahead for Its Initial Deployment

By Robbin Laird The coming of the HMS Queen Elizabeth to the UK combat force is a trigger for significant defense transformation. Most of the analysis of the new carrier really focuses on the platform and what is necessary to get that platform operational but that is far too narrow…

An Update on the Indian Navy: Submarine Modernization

By Cmde Ranjit B Rai (Retd) Arakkonam, Chennai. On March 29 a chapter of Indian Navy’s flying prowess as part of its aviation arm, took a farewell bow as eight Tu-142MR (Tuploev) planes of the Indian Naval Air Squadron (INAS) 312 were decommissioned after proudly serving the Indian Navy for…

Crisis Management, Allies and the USMC: Shaping a Way Ahead in the Strategic Shift

By Robbin Laird The strategic shift from counter-insurgency to force-on-force conflict is not only or simply preparing for a major conflict with peer competitors; it is about crisis management and escalation dominance. On the one hand, the military capabilities are being reshaped to operate in such an environment, and there…

USCG Extends Scan Eagle’s Role in the Fleet

After being awarded a United States Coast Guard (USCG) contract award, Insitu’s ScanEagle UAS will be used to provide small UAS ISR services aboard the entire U.S. Coast Guard National Security Cutter fleet. Valued at approximately $117 million, the service contract covers the installation and deployment of small UAS for…

Working the Way Ahead for the USMC: How MAWTS-1 Supports Change

By Robbin Laird During my latest visit to MAWTS-1, I had a chance to focus upon recent developments generated by the latest WTI course. Last year, I had a chance to talk with Col Wellons and LtCol Ryan Schiller, the Aviation Development, Tactics and Evaluation Department Head, about work on…