Australian and Indonesian Ministers of Defense Meet After Restoration of Full Defense Cooperation

03/20/2017: Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Marise Payne, met with Indonesia’s Minister for Defence Ryamizard Ryacudu on March 17, 2017 in Sydney for the annual Indonesia-Australia Defence Ministers’ meeting. [maxgallery id="95433"] Minister Payne said Australia and Indonesia have a long-standing and productive bilateral defence relationship that supports our mutual interests…

Winter Training in Norway

03/20/2017: According to an article published March 12, 2017 by the Norwegian Ministry of Defence, a UK Royal Marines and a US Marine comment on winter training in Norway. Allies: Training in Norway is challenging but educational The British Corporal Michael Owen from Royal Marines and Captain Mark Edgar from the…

The USCG Commandant Highlights the Challenges for 2017

03/19/2017: Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Paul Zukunft will delivers the 2017 State of the Coast Guard Address March 16, 2017, at the National Press Club. This annual speech affords the commandant a venue to recognize Service accomplishments, reinforce his strategic intent and provide direction for the coming year. Video by Telfair…

Ocean Explorer 2017 Concludes

03/19/2017: Exercise OCEAN EXPLORER 17 (OE 17) is a major Fleet training activity led by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), and jointly-enabled by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and other nations’ forces. The maritime exercise is one of the largest iterations of the exercise held in the West Australian Exercise…