03/20/2017: Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Marise Payne, met with Indonesia’s Minister for Defence Ryamizard Ryacudu on March 17, 2017 in Sydney for the annual Indonesia-Australia Defence Ministers’ meeting. [maxgallery id="95433"] Minister Payne said Australia and Indonesia have a long-standing and productive bilateral defence relationship that supports our mutual interests…
03/20/2017: According to an article published March 12, 2017 by the Norwegian Ministry of Defence, a UK Royal Marines and a US Marine comment on winter training in Norway. Allies: Training in Norway is challenging but educational The British Corporal Michael Owen from Royal Marines and Captain Mark Edgar from the…
03/19/2017: Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Paul Zukunft will delivers the 2017 State of the Coast Guard Address March 16, 2017, at the National Press Club. This annual speech affords the commandant a venue to recognize Service accomplishments, reinforce his strategic intent and provide direction for the coming year. Video by Telfair…
03/19/2017: Exercise OCEAN EXPLORER 17 (OE 17) is a major Fleet training activity led by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), and jointly-enabled by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and other nations’ forces. The maritime exercise is one of the largest iterations of the exercise held in the West Australian Exercise…
2017-03-18 The Australian KC-30A was joined with the RAF's A400M during its global reach into the Pacific during the Avalon Air Show in Australia. The Aussie tanker represents the most mature advanced tanker in the world, while the A400M flown by the RAF has become a solid member of the…
2017-03-18 By David Jimenez When I was working in the semiconductor industry in 1984, the U.S. labor force was approximately 250,000 direct employees. In 2017, the labor force is roughly the same size. Yet, we know that the volume of silicon wafers consumed, the base material used in almost all computer…
2017-03-15 The US Navy leadership has articulated what they see as a key way ahead to build a 21st century integrated force and have introduced the concepts of kill web and distributed lethality to get at the concept. The key is to buy the right platforms, and to build an…
2017-03-17 By Todd Miller Recently Todd Miller of the Second Line of Defense joined the 15th MEU for one of their mission work-ups, specifically “Realistic Urban Training” (RUT). Part II of this series will focus entirely on the RUT. Covert missions by U.S. Navy SEALs or U.S. Army Delta Force…