Confronting “Schrecklichkeit” In Iraq

2014-06-14 by Ed Timperlake On the eve of the 100th Anniversary of the beginning of World War I, there is a word describing German Army doctrine employed in their advance into neutral Belgium that resonates to this day: “Schrecklichkeit”. The word means “terror” or “frightfulness” a doctrine employed by the…

Captain Hall of the USS America Discusses the New 21st Century Assault Ship

2014-06-13 The USS America is going to sea mid-July 2014. During a visit to the ship on June 12, 2014, Captain Hall, the CO of LHA-6, discussed the ship and its contribution. [caption id="attachment_66342" align="alignnone" width="207"] Leadership of LHA-6. Credit: Second Line of Defense[/caption] A key way to look at…

The Future of Large UAVs for Security and Military Operations: A Danish Perspective

2014-06-09 Our new strategic partner, the Centre for Military Studies, Department of Political Science of the University of Copenhagen, published two pieces earlier this year addressing the question of the potential role of large unmanned aerial vehicles for Danish security and defense forces in the years ahead. The reports provided…