2012-11-03 by Richard Weitz All U.S. administrations have refused to accept North Korea as a legitimate nuclear weapons state. In addition to wanting to avert a dangerous threat to the U.S. military forces and civilians located in East Asia as well as Washington’s regional allies, U.S. policy makers worry that…
2012-11-02 by Richard Weitz American policy toward Uzbekistan are driven by support for Afghan operations as well as energy policy. The main U.S. objectives in Uzbekistan and Central Asia are the following: Promoting these countries’ security against terrorist threats, Supporting the war in Afghanistan, Ensuring their sovereignty and autonomy from the…
2012-11-01 by Richard Weitz According to a new study by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), by the end of 2012 Asian defense spending will exceed that of all European countries for the first time in decades, perhaps centuries. Due to a combination of the rise of China,…
2012-11-01 by Richard Weitz The focus of the recent 44th annual U.S.-Republic of Korea (ROK) Security Consultative meeting between ROK National Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin and U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was managing the threat from North Korea. “North Korea remains a serious threat to both of our nations and…
2012-10-31 Singapore is at the vortex of what we are calling the Strategic Quadrangle in the Pacific. The intersection of the defense of Japan, South Korea, Australia and Singapore forms a quadrangle of defense interests in providing for the security of key US allies in the region. The US is…
2012-10-30 by Richard Weitz The US alliance with South Korea is a key element of US Pacific strategy. How the US relationship with South Korea evolves will be a key element of the overall evolution of any 21st century Pacific strategy. This past week saw the 44th annual U.S.-Republic of…
2012-10-30 by Richard Weitz Ukraine is at the vortex of East and West. The Russian connection has been definitional, historically and moving forward. The EU relationship has been about joining a broader cause, the building of Europe. And the Americans are a useful counter with the Russians and viewed by…
2012-10-30 by Robbin Laird It is not often that a new ship of the line is christened. And when it is, thoughts of how it might be used, where it might operate and how it might make new naval history are part of the excitement. This was clearly evident at the…