“Dynamic Defense” Of Japan: The North Korean Driver

2012-09-11 By Richard Weitz Unlike in Europe, where the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Warsaw Pact ushered as a new era, the Asia Pacific region did not experience an abrupt phase transition during the late 1980s and 1990s. From Japan’s perspective, the demise of the…

The New European Map: Strategic Implications

2012-09-11 By Harald Malmgren and Robbin Laird The Euro crisis is defining the end of a period of history.  The period since 1991 has been defined by the expansion of Europe, the consolidation of NATO, and America as the hinge that held much of the strategic map together. At the…

The Fifth Generation Experience Updated: “The F-35 is a Situational Awareness Machine”

2012-09-11 By Robbin Laird When Ed Timperlake and I wrote our piece for Joint Forces Quarterly on the F-35 and the future of power projection, we started with a discussion we had earlier with Lt. Col. Berke during his time at Nellis AFB. Then Lt. Col. Berke was flying the…

The Evolution of the Osprey: “We are No Longer a Bar Act”

2012-09-08 The Osprey has been deployed for five years in combat.  Starting in September 2007, the Osprey was deployed to Iraq and then later to Afghanistan.  It has several years of at sea experience as well. The operators – pilots and maintainers – have been part of the “testing” of the…

The Impact of the Osprey On Con-Ops: The Challenge of Disaggregated Operations

2012-09-09 In a wide-ranging discussion with Lt. Col. Thomas “Ryder” Mitalski, Commanding Officer of VMM-263, we discussed the impact of the Osprey on the reshaping of USN-USMC operations.  And we discussed as well the challenges of such change in con-ops upon the fleet and operational approaches. Lt. Col. Mitalski is an…

The Coming of the AMERICA Class Warship to the USN-USMC Blue-Green Team

2012-09-07 By Robbin Laird When Ed Timperlake and I were commenting on the CNO’s recent piece in the USN Institute Proceedings on platforms and payloads, we underscored how some of the new assets fit into the CNO’s approach. The CNO's approach is reinforced by the kinds of platforms starting to come…

An Australian Perspective on the Way Ahead for a Pacific Strategy

2012-09-06 In a wide-ranging discussion with Air Vice-Marshal (Ret.) John Blackburn, now the Chairman of the influential Australian think tank, the Kokoda Foundation, the key challenges and contributions, which Australia can bring to an evolving Pacific challenge, were highlighted. John Blackburn Biography A key opportunity for getting it right is…