In a July 13, 2021 article on the UK Ministry of Defence website, the extension of the carrier cooperation agreement was highlighted. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace and his US counterpart Lloyd Austin have extended an agreement to enhance cooperation on aircraft carrier operations as they met in Washington. The two…
By Robbin Laird During my visit to 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing in July 2021, I had a chance to talk with MAG-31, notably the VMFA-115 Operations Officer, about their squadron’s time in Finland training with the Finnish Air Force last month. Because I was in MCAS Cherry Point, and not…
The United States, Australia and Japan are working a modular task force built around what amphibious ships can bring to the fight. Amphibious ships can contribute significantly to sea control and sea denial. Two recent articles, one American and one Australian highlight the current effort. In an August 5, 2021…
According to the Australian Department of Defence: "RAAF’s six E-7A Wedgetails are best described as a command centre in the sky. Each is equipped with multiple radars and tech that allows it to scan and communicate with up to 80 aircraft and ground and sea units over an eye-popping distance…
By Robbin Laird I first visited Marine Aircraft Group 26 (MAG-26) in 2007 when they were beginning the MV-22B Osprey transition. Now, the Osprey is the backbone of the Marine Corps combat assault support community. And with both heavy-lift and light-attack helicopter squadrons, the Second Marine Aircraft Wing (2D MAW)…
By Robbin Laird During my July 2021 visit to 2nd Marine Air Wing (2d MAW), I had a chance to visit again with Marine Air Control Group 28, the Marines who provide command and control (C2) and air defense for the distributed force. I met with the Commanding Officer Col.…
By Robbin Laird The Marines are re-focusing their efforts from the Middle East land wars to shaping their way ahead to build a purpose-built force to facilitate sea denial and assured access in support of fleet and joint operations against potential adversaries. One way they are doing this is working…
By Robbin Laird The Marines are undergoing a change with a sense of urgency associated with the strategic shift from the Middle East land wars to being effective in strategic competition. The Marine Corps exists to provide a globally deployable Naval Expeditionary Force in readiness, this means preparing for initial…