Hawaii Based F-22s

12/09/2012:Hawaii-based F-22 b-roll of maintenance ops, taxing, taking off, landing, conducting pre-flight ops, and various shots of the aircraft itself. The F-22 is a core asset in any Pacific strategy.  As the F-35s get added to the mix, the USAF will have a high-high mix of 5th generation aircraft. http://sldinfo.wpstage.net/the-prc-claim-to-super-power-status-and-the-f-22-not-so-fast/…

The United States at a Key Turning Point: The Core Necessity for a Military Rebuilding Strategy

2012-10-17 by Michael Wynne, the 21st Secretary of the Air Force In a speech at the Virginia Military Institute, Governor Mitt Romney began a great conversation about the United States role in the world going forward.  How this conversation is framed will influence many emerging international realities. In fact in…

Airpower as a Lynchpin for a 21st Century Pacific Strategy

2012-09-23 by Lt. General (Retired) Deptula Change is constant in the Air Force, and that change needs to be embraced, because out of change comes adaptability to meet the challenges of the times.  A strategic reality that affects the US military in the Pacific, is something that you all have…

Enabling the Tip of the Spear: Re-Focusing the USAF

by Michael W Wynne, 21st Secretary of the USAF All of the services were and are confronted by the new realities of the future defense budget in a very straightforward manner. Not only through the first budget agreement wherein the outgoing Defense Secretary volunteered to yield some $450 Billion; but…

Fifth Generation Aircraft and 3 Dimensional Warfare

Or, How to Build the Honeycomb 07/19/2011 - The F-22 and F-35 have sophisticated sensors and self defense capabilities, which, in and of themselves, when combined with stealth enable these aircraft to become true game changers.  But in and of themselves is not where the real game changing capability comes…

The PRC Claim to Super-Power Status and the F-22: Not so fast!

By Hon. Ed Timperlake It has often been claimed that there are no coincidences, which is a debating point without resolution. However, in matters of National Security, smart analysts should always consider that possibility. The Peoples Daily propaganda machine has recently announced the Peoples Republic of China is now a…

Russia’s New Fifth Generation Fighter

[caption id="attachment_10802" align="alignleft" width="150"] Dr. Richard Weitz (Credit Photo: The Hudson Institute)[/caption] By Dr. Richard Weitz The United States possess the only fifth-generation fighter currently in service, the F-22A Raptor stealth fighter, which entered the U.S. Air Force in 1997. The Russian Federation is hoping to join this exalted category…