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Pacific Magazine: Exercise Koolendong 2016

09/15/2016: Exercise Koolendong is designed to increase the independence and security of our key partners in the Pacific Region. Marine Rotational Force Darwin (MRF-D), worked side by side with Australian and French New Caldonian Forces to improve interoperability. Video by Cpl. Paul Williams III:American Forces Network Pacific:09.08.2016

Becoming an F-22 Multi-Tasking Combat Aviator

2016-09-08 The key to understanding fifth generation combat aviation is sensor fusion and the man-mashine working relationship built into the cockpit.  The F-22 started the  process; the F-35 continues it. At the heart of the new capability is moving from being a sequential multi-mission pilot directing the combat capabilities of…

F-35 and Aegis: Preparing For the Integrated Fight in the Extended Battlespace

2016-09-14 Many years ago we wrote about the long reach of Aegis and the emergence of the offensive defensive enterprise. Combining Aegis with the new Joint Strike Fighter will enhance coverage and lead to a global honeycomb of defensive capabilities.  Originally designed as a Cold War tool to bolster fleet…

Venom in Trilateral Aussie Exercise

09/13/2016: U.S. Marines with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron - 367, conduct an attack during Exercise Koolendong 16 at Bradshaw Field Training Area, Northern Territory, Australia, August 29, 2016. The Marines are part of Marine Rotational Force - Darwin and are taking part in Exercise Koolendong 16, a tri – lateral…

The Way Ahead for the RAAF in the Joint Forces Space and the Coming of the F-35: The Perspective of Air Commodore Kitcher

2016-09-04 By Robbin Laird Prior to the Williams Foundation seminar on air-sea integration, I had a chance to sit down with Air Commodore Kitcher and to discuss the way ahead for the RAAF in the joint combat space. He is the Director General of Capability Planning in the RAAF. Air…

The Network as a Weapon System: The Perspective of Rear Admiral Mayer, Commander Australian Fleet

2016-09-10 By Robbin Laird During the Williams Foundation seminar on evolving approaches to air-sea integration, Rear Admiral Mayer, the Commander of the Australian Fleet, focused on the concrete and specific challenges facing the evolution of the Royal Australian Navy as a key element of the joint force. He argued that…