A Small Ship with a Big Impact: The Aussies Work the Integrated Distributed Force

04/23/2020The Arafura Class Offshore Patrol Vessel is the first of the new build platforms. It provides the template with regard to the entire reset of how the Australians… Read more »

The Coronavirus Crisis: Perspectives and Shaping a Way Ahead

04/16/2020This special report brings together in one publication our recent pieces published on Second Line of Defense and Defense.info, since the coronavirus crisis became a significant crisis management… Read more »

The 21st Century Fighting Navy: Shaping a Way Ahead

02/12/2020This Special Report focuses on how the US Navy is reshaping its capabilities for the 21st century fight and the key role which Naval Aviation is playing in… Read more »

International Fighter Conference 2019: Special Report

12/05/2019Last year’s International Fighter Conference provided a chance for the participants and the attendees to focus on the role of fighters in what we have been calling the strategic… Read more »

Shaping, Crafting, Building and Operating a Fifth Generation Combat Force

11/16/2019In this report, the major presentations and discussions at the Williams Foundation seminar on the requirements for fifth generation manoeuvre held on October 24, 2019 in Canberra, Australia… Read more »

Fifth-Generation Enabled Military Transformation: Australia, the UK and Shaping a Way Ahead

06/13/2019Australia and the UK are located in very different parts of the world. But both face significant challenges from a regional power with global reach. And both are… Read more »

The Strategic Shift and the Reset for Australian Defence and Security

04/26/2019The latest Williams Seminar held in Canberra on April 11, 2019 focused on the strategic shift for Australia within the context of the evolving global situation. Facing the… Read more »

The Strategic Shift: The Role and Impact of the F-35 Global Enterprise

03/31/2019The liberal democracies are facing a key strategic shift from a primary focus on the land wars in the Middle East to facing the challenges posed by peer… Read more »