The Return of Direct Defense in Europe: The Challenges for Germany

02/17/2019We have been looking at the strategic shift for the liberal democracies from a primary focus on the land wars in the Middle East to the challenge of… Read more »

Visiting 2nd Marine Air Wing

02/14/2019In this special report, we have brought together the interviews conducted in January 2018 from a visit to 2nd MAW in Cherry Point as well as New River.… Read more »

Report from the International Fighter Conference 2018: Perspectives on the Way Ahead with Airpower Modernization

11/28/2018This year’s International Fighter Conference held in Berlin provided a chance for the participants and the attendees to focus on the role of fighters in what we have… Read more »

The Return of Direct Defense and Danish Airpower Modernization

11/26/2018In effect, the Danes like the other Nordics, are having to focus on direct defense as their core national mission, within an alliance context. This will mean as… Read more »

The ADF and the Way Ahead for an Australian Deterrent Strategy

09/24/2018In this report, the major presentations and discussions at the Williams Foundation seminar on the imperative for an independent strike deterrent held on August 23, 2018 in Canberra,… Read more »

F-35 2.O: Introducing the Concept

09/13/2018The F-35 is being stood up as the next generation aircraft for the USMC, USAF, US Navy and for several key allies. It is coming into service as… Read more »

The Nordics and the Strategic Shift

05/25/2018The Russian seizure of Crimea and other aspects of its global activism have had a significant effect on the Nordics. The Nordics are working mores closely together to… Read more »

The Strategic Shift from Counter-Insurgency and Stability Operations: High Tempo Ops, High Intensity Operations and Deterrence

04/26/2018Since 2014, the Williams Foundation has held a series of seminars, which have looked at the nature of military transformation enabled by new platforms, new technologies and new… Read more »