Bold Alligator 2013: Shaping a 21st Century Insertion Force

06/05/2013The Bold Alligator 2013 exercise continues the effort to shape a 21st century intervention force. Read more »

The B-17 and Its Continuing Legacy

04/28/2013This report looks at the B-17 and the B-17 experience in World War II as well as some lessons learned for today. Read more »

Re-Shaping Pacific Strategy

02/01/2013In a single special report key pieces by the SLD team published on AOL Defense are brought together into a single downloadable document for our readers.   Read more »

The National Computer Quality Supervising Center: A Core Chinese Dual Use Technology Capability

01/13/2013The National Computer Quality Supervising Center is a critical information technology infrastructure component of the dual-use electronic components and systems industrial base of China. It is a key… Read more »

The Central Asian Security Dynamic: A Key Crossroads Region in Global Politics

01/10/2013In this special report, Richard Weitz looks at various aspects of the evolution of policy in Central Asia. Read more »

The ACE of the Future: Yuma and Beyond

12/19/2012The Marines have stood up their first squadron of F-35 Bs at MCAS Yuma. Read more »

The Baseline F-35

05/04/2012The F-35 represents a new approach to the development, production, system and sustainment of a fleet of combat aircraft. Read more »

Bold Alligator 2012 and the Future of the Expeditionary Strike Group

04/04/2012Bold Alligator 2012 was the largest Amphibious exercise in more than a decade. After a decade of land wars, the “return” of the USN-USMC team to littoral engagement… Read more »