Next Steps in the F-35 Global Enterprise: Cameri’s First F-35A and Norwegian-Australian Collaboration on the Joint Strike Missile

2015-03-15 The F-35 is not simply a replacement airplane; it is a 21st century air combat system embedded within a unique global enterprise. On the one hand, the commonality of the software on the F-35 allows for allies to develop missiles for "their" F-35s and have "their" missiles available for…

Abandoning a Treaty: Russia Makes a Statement

2015-03-18 by Richard Weitz On March 10, Russia ended its participation in the Joint Consultative Group of the Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe. Moscow’s decision effectively formalizes Russia’s lack of interest in working within the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty, and deepens concerns that the Kremlin will…

The Greeks Buy Time While Germany Repositions Within Europe

2015-03-06 By Harald Malmgren An historic February confrontation between the newly elected Syriza-led Greek government and the EU Commission, ECB, and IMF was averted by an ambiguous agreement to sort out differences over the period March to June. Initially, it appeared that Eurozone governments, led by German Finance Minister Schauble,…

First Italian F-35 Rolls Out from Cameria FACO

03/15/2015: CAMERI, ITALY, March 12, 2015 According to a press release issued at the time of the roll out, the importance of the follout of the first F-35A from the Cameri facility. History was achieved today when the first Italian F-35A Lightning II rolled out of the Final Assembly and…

Cope North 2015: The Japanese Perspective

2015-03-15 The Cope North exercises tests allied capacity to cooperate in providing Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief in the Pacfic. According to a recent piece published on the Japanese Ministry of Defense website, the role of Japan was highlighted in the exercise: The ASDF took part in the trilateral combat…