01/30/2014: Various Land Sea, and Air exercises as part of NATO multi-national training exercise in early 2014. For NRF 2014 rotation NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) gives his specific guidance to JFC Brunssum to train, prepare and certify the Immediate Response Force (IRF) and the elements designated in the Response…
2014-01-29 by Ed Timperlake and Robbin Laird The US Army was mobilized for the land wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This mobilization phase is now ending. The US Army now seeks to become more agile and effective in getting to crisis situations earlier rather than later. A piece in National…
2014-01-28 By Ed Timperlake No one doubts that landpower remains a key element of the strategic calculus. The question is what type of landpower makes sense for the United States in dealing with 21st century challenges? Is it the USMC approach to a three-dimensional enabled ground warrior or is it a…
2014-01-25 By Ed Timperlake With North Korea now a nuclear power with evolving strike missile capabilities, the past is not prologue to the defense of South Korea. The US Army is not simply a barrier force to the invasion from North Korea; it needs to be shaped as part of the…
2014-01-25 By Robbin Laird While many TV commentators seemed to have spent their time covering the Philippine relief situation doing little but to criticize the performance of the Philippine government (Anderson Cooper certainly comes to mind), key contingents of the USMC and USAF were working rapidly to establish the infrastructure for…
2014-01-25 We have written extensively over the years about the introduction of the Osprey and the USMC approach to learning as you deploy. It is not about the Inside the Beltway “reviewers” determining the point of delivery of capability to the warrior, it is about the warriors themselves shaping combat…
2014-01-21 In an interview with the CO of the “Sumos,” he focused on the growing role of the pairing of KC-130Js with Ospreys. I would add that since the arrival of the Ospreys, about 2/3rds of our tanking requirement is to support the long-range assault support capability, which the Osprey provides. …
2014-01-17 Case 4: Deterring North Korea in the Second Nuclear Age For the United States, the deterrence of North Korea is no longer reduced to the defense of South Korea. It is about deterrence of states emerging in the second nuclear age. There is significant global cross fertilization from the…