The Strategic Impact of the Global Sustainment Approach of the F-35

2012-10-22 By Robbin Laird The F-35 is a fifth generation aircraft, which has been characterized by one of its most notable pilots as a “situational awareness machine.” I referred to in a Defense News op ed in 2005 as a “flying combat system.” But too often in a platform centric acquisition…

The Christening of the America Class Amphibious Ship: The Opening of a New Era (Updated)

2012-10-19 By Robbin Laird I am attending the christening event for the new America class ship which will be held October 20, 2012.  And have had the opportunity to discuss the ship with several key players in developing and defining the new ship. Discussions have been held with the prospective…

A Libyan “Loose” Manpads Update: In Use Against Israelis

According to a report in The Jerusalem Post, Libyan manpads have been used against Israeli forces. The IDF has refused to officially comment on reports that Palestinian terrorists fired a shoulder-launched surface-to-air missile at an IAF helicopter over Gaza last week. According to the report, which appeared in Yediot Aharonot…