DoD Announces Initial F-35 Sustainment Centers in the Pacific

2014-12-18 The US Department of Defense officially announced the decision to standup up the initial sustainment centers in the Pacific for the F-35. According to a story by Claudette Roulo, DoD News, Defense Media Activity: WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2014 – Japan and Australia will be sharing maintenance and upgrade duties…

UK F-35B and Carrier Integration: An F-35B Pilot Looks at the Way Ahead

2014-12-17 Recently, we published an interview with Group Captain Paul Godfrey, one of the senior RAF officers involved with bringing the F-35B into service with the UK armed forces. A key aspect which he highlighted was the cross-fertilization of the force by bringing both the F-35B and the new class…

Northrop Grumman F-35 Assembly Line Delivers First Center Fuselage for Norwegian F-35

2014-12-13 The F-35 is built by a 21st century manufacturing approach. When viewing the assembly line in Fort Worth, the reality of assembling a stealth aircraft is evident. Less evident is the 21st century approaches taken by the core industrial partners and global suppliers who ship in the core sections…

Standing Up European F-35 Sustainment Centers

2014-12-13 The F-35 is not an airplane, but an air system. And one which will be global in character. Operationally, the impact of an integrated F-35 fleet will be significant. And no less so will be the global sustainment possibilities inherent in the program. The program has built in a…

The Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force Prepare for Cross-Domain Transformation: The F-35 and the Queen Elizabeth Carrier

2014-12-05 By Robbin Laird During my recent visit to the European Air Group, I had a chance to sit down with one of the Royal Air Force officers in charge of the aircraft's entry into service. Group Captain Paul Godfrey, OBE has extensive experience of a range of combat aircraft…

Shaping a 21st Century Approach to Tron Warfare: Part 3

2014-12-01 By Ed Timperlake Previous Introduction 21st century warfare technologies concepts of operations and tactics and training are in evolution and revolution. At the heart of reshaping US and allied approaches to airpower and its evolution is the emergence of the F-35, the significant impact which a global fleet of F-35s…

First aircraft landings on HMAS Canberra: A New Tool in the Aussie Power Projection Tool Kit

2014-12-05 The first two aircraft landed onboard HMAS Canberra while alongside at Fleet Base East, Sydney in the build up to the ship’s commissioning. The aircraft flew from HMAS Albatross, Nowra to begin deck handling trials on the Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD). Although a significant step forward this is also…