Video of the Month: “Workhorse” Becomes First F-35 to Achieve 1,000 Flight Hours

2014-08-23 “Workhorse” Becomes First F-35 to Achieve 1,000 Flight Hours by Kenji Thuloweit 412th Test Wing Public Affairs 6/18/14 Edwards Air Force Base AF-2, the second production F-35 Lightning II for the U.S. Air Force, became the first F-35 to reach 1,000 flight hours. Paul Hattendorf, Lockheed Martin test pilot,…

An Update from Cameri: First Italian F-35 Powered Up

2014-08-26 The Italian F-35 FACO in Cameri, Italy achieved a significant milestone with AL-1 last night. Aircraft structure, hardware and software assembly and integration had progressed to the point where power was applied to the aircraft for the first time. This is a significant achievement and is a testament to…

An Update on F-35 Testing: Maturing Combat Capabilities (August 2014)

2014-08-26 According to a Lockheed Martin press release from August 25, 2014: The L F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program continued a steady path of flight test milestones in August, including weapons separation, software compatibility and flight hours, all demonstrating program maturity. “The test milestones are a direct result of…