Beijing’s and Moscow’s Natural Gas Breakthrough Expands Energy Partnership

2014-06-02 By Richard Weitz China’s ravenous demand for energy and Russia’s huge supply of nearby oil and gas are clearly complementary, but until very recently large Sino-Russian energy agreements proved elusive. Now their recent mega-gas deal, which follows several important oil deals, suggests that Beijing and Moscow are finally on…

Harvard University and the US Military: Shaping An Effective Future Relationship

2014-06-01By Paul E. Mawn Since the middle of the 20th century, Harvard has unjustifiably been labeled as a bastion of left wing, anti-military elitists in the forefront of the myopic “Blame America first” radicals. However, the predominate opinion of faculties  & undergraduates at most universities have tended to skew to…

F-35 Testing Update, May 2014

2014-05-31 According to a story published on Aerospace Manufacturing and Design, the F-35 has achieved three major flight test milestones on the same day. Edwards Air Force Base, California, and Naval Air Systems Command, Maryland – In three separate flight tests on May 27, 2014, Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II aircraft demonstrated air-to-air…