A San Clemente Long Range Raid Exercise: Marines Test New Approaches and Technologies

04/21/2014: The Marines are engaged in a series of exercises to re-shape the capability of the ground combat element to operate with much greater situational awareness prior to disembarking from the Ospreys for a mission.  This is also required because of the amount of time the GCE might have on…

Exercising a “Cloud-Enabled” Ground Force: Ospreys, F-35s and the Future of Ground Insertion Operations

2014-04-20 Marines with the Infantry Officer's Course conducted a long-range raid on San Clemente Island, Calif., March 24. The Marines were lifted approximately 70 miles off the coast of southern California by Third Marine Aircraft Wing and East Coast aircraft. The Marines also used new technology to plan before boots…

F-35 Training at 33rd Fighter Wing

2014-04-17 The F-35 training process started at Eglin but now the Marines are moving from Eglin to Marine Air Station Beaufort with the USN taking over the USMC facilities at Eglin. At Second Line of Defense we have regularly followed the standing up of the training processes for the F-35…