Edge of the Envelope Testing of the F-35A

2013-05-21 The US Air Force (USAF) has successfully completed high angle of attack (AoA) testing of the F-35A Lightning II conventional take off and landing (CTOL) fighter aircraft at Edwards Air Force Base (AFB) in California, US.  Carried out by the F-35 Integrated Test Force (ITF) team, the edge-of-the-envelope testing accomplished…

Meeting the Cyber Threat: The Case of the F-35

2013-05-15 What is the cybersecurity challenge? It is not a one off problem; it is a continuous process of attack and counter attack, of cyber “learning” so to speak.  It is a fact of life in the 21st century where the number one threat is clearly the PRC which views…

UCAS-D Makes History With Unmanned Carrier Launch

2013-05-15 By Brett Davis The X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstrator (UCAS-D) made its debut aircraft carrier launch from USS George H.W. Bush on 14 May, bringing unmanned carrier aviation a big step closer to reality. The carrier, CVN 77, was off the coast of Virginia for the long-awaited launch. “Today…