The United States at a Key Turning Point: The Core Necessity for a Military Rebuilding Strategy

2012-10-17 by Michael Wynne, the 21st Secretary of the Air Force In a speech at the Virginia Military Institute, Governor Mitt Romney began a great conversation about the United States role in the world going forward.  How this conversation is framed will influence many emerging international realities. In fact in…

A Libyan “Loose” Manpads Update: In Use Against Israelis

According to a report in The Jerusalem Post, Libyan manpads have been used against Israeli forces. The IDF has refused to officially comment on reports that Palestinian terrorists fired a shoulder-launched surface-to-air missile at an IAF helicopter over Gaza last week. According to the report, which appeared in Yediot Aharonot…

The USCG and the Arctic

2012-10-15 Recently, Rear Admiral Thomas P. Ostebo, Commander of the USCG, 17th District, appeared before the US Senate and provided an overview on recent USCG activity in the Arctic. (For the complete testimony read the document below: Operation Arctic Shield). Notably, the Admiral provided a succinct overview on Operation Arctic…

Nuclear Security Summits under Review: Non-US Perspectives

2012-10-15 By Richard Weitz After Laura Holgate presented the U.S. view, perspectives on the process and the future were provided by other national representatives. A South Korean Perspective Chang-Hoon Shin, Director of the Nuclear Policy & Technology Center at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies in South Korea, described how South…

Visiting the Light and Medium Aircraft Line at Airbus Military: September 2012

2012-10-14 During a recent visit to Seville, Second Line of Defense had a chance to talk with Martin Armas, in charge of the industrialization of the final assembly line.  His formal title is Head of M and L Industrial Management and Control. During the visit, several planes were in various…