F-35B Lighting IIs assigned to the "Avengers" of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 211 participate in a Surface Warfare Advanced Tactical Training (SWATT) exercise and Maj. Chris Brandt, F-35B pilot assigned to VMFA 211, conducts an interview on the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2) in the Pacific…
KABUL, Afghanistan (March 27, 2018) – On March 22, the Afghan Air Force tasked the A-29 squadron to destroy a Taliban compound in Farah. The Afghan attack pilots were equipped with both guided and unguided bombs, and elected to employ the GBU-58 laser-guided bomb to avoid collateral damage. The drop…
Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine USS Hartford (SSN 768) and Seawolf-class fast attack submarine, USS Connecticut (SSN 22) Surface Together in the Arctic Circle. ICEX 2018. 03.28.2018 Video by Robert Gensic All Hands Magazine ICEX 2018 from SldInfo.com on Vimeo. In an article by Commander Submarine Forces, Public Affairs published on…
Recently, Deputy Commandant of Aviation, Lt. General “Stick” Rudder testified before the Congress on the coming of the CH-53K and its importance to the USMC and its approach to combat operations. “This aircraft is mechanically and technologically amazing. It fits directly into the National Defense Strategy as far as heavy…
Footage of an MC-12 Liberty during take off. 02.23.2018 Video by Senior Airman Timothy Kirchner Air Force Content Management Mission
The MC-12W is a medium-to low-altitude, twin-engine turboprop aircraft. Its primary mission is providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support directly to ground forces. The MC-12W is a joint forces air component commander…
Cpt. Thomas Harris, commander, Charlie Battery, 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, and his team gave a Patriot System briefing to members of the Estonian Defense Forces at the Support Command Center, Tallinn, Estonia Feb. 23. Minister of Defense, Jüri Luik, Chief of Defense Gen. Riho Terras, U.S. Ambassador to…
3/20/18: Footage of AC-130 in-flight. 02.23.2018 Video by Senior Airman Timothy Kirchner Air Force Content Management Mission
The AC-130U: “Spooky” gunships’ primary missions are close air support, air interdiction and armed reconnaissance. Close air support missions include troops in contact, convoy escort and point air defense. Air interdiction missions are conducted against preplanned…
03/18/18: Footage of a B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber during takeoff. This aircraft is assigned to Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri. Video by Staff Sgt. Jonathan A Guzman Air Force Content Management