Aussies Launch Ambitious Shipbuilding Program: The Perspective of the Australian CNO

2017-05-21 As a key part of shaping its enhanced defense capabilities, the Australian government has launched a comprehensive and long term shipbuilding program. The plan was officially launched on May 16 at a ceremony held in Adelaide. NavalShipbuildingPlan According to text and a video released by the Australian Department of…

US Intelligence Setback: A Warning Call About the Need to Protect Personal Data

2017-05-22 By Ed Timperlake A threshold now may have been tragically crossed in Electronic Surveillance. Meta data collection is merging with machine-based analysis to filter actionable intelligence. And this information can now be merged with facial recognition software and ubiquitous camera presence. In a police state like the PRC, this…

The RAF and the Weapons Revolution: Shaping an Integrated 21st Century Air Combat Force

2017-05-13 By Robbin Laird The RAF is positioning itself for a triple transition. The first transition is from the Tornado to Typhoon. The second is the transition is to a fifth generation enabled air combat force. The third transition is the deployment of F-35s aboard the new Queen Elizabeth class carriers…