The Way Ahead in US Foreign Policy: Spin, or Spinning Out of Control?

2013-12-16 By Harald Malmgren The path to Presidency of the United States is through a complex, volatile battlefield of competing ideologies, domestic political and financial objectives, and survival skills of incumbents and vested interests. The weapons and tools needed to prevail include encouragement of hope for a better tomorrow, promises…

Another Step Forward in the IOC for the F-35B: The USMC Tests its Sortie Generation Capabilities

2013-12-13 In a phone interview with Lt. Col. Berke, the Commanding Officer, VMFAT-501, the continued progress of the F-35B towards its initial operating capability or IOC in 2015 was underscored. Recently, the 33rd Fighter Wing, highlighted a four hour sortie generation training exercise. According to the 33rd FW the F-35 enterprise…