The Evolving North Korean Missile Threat

2012-12-04 by Richard Weitz The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) already has sufficient missile capability to inflict major damage on U.S. interests in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as against U.S. allies such as Japan and South Korea. The DPRK has developed several ballistic missiles types, of varying ranges…

The USS Enterprise: The End of An Era and the USS America Opens the New One

2012-12-02 by Robbin Laird The ceremony to declare the USS Enterprise inactive was held yesterday. After a glorious career, and after shaping many innovations in Naval history, the USS Enterprise enters into history. [caption id="attachment_48170" align="alignnone" width="300"] USS Enterprise over the years. Graphic Credit: Huntington Ingalls  [/caption] It is an…

Russia and DPRK Proliferation Issues: Positioning for Influence

2012-12-02 By Richard Weitz Russian diplomats generally oppose using sanctions to punish countries whose governments misbehave. In the case of the DPRK, as with Iran, Russian policy makers argue that a non-coercive, incentive-based strategy offers the best means for persuading Pyongyang to denuclearize. Especially in the case of North Korea, Russian…

China’s Central Asian Energy Strategy: A Central Role for Kazakhstan

2012-11-30 by Richard Weitz China’s growing energy needs represent another force driving its increased interest and involvement in Central Asia. A combination of a booming economy and declining domestic energy production has resulted in China importing an increasingly large percentage of its oil and natural gas. Although China still acquires the…

Shaping a New Approach to Combat Learning: The Role of the F-35

2012-11-30 by Robbin Laird Ed Timperlake has pioneered work on how to understand the entire approach to re-thinking what the new generation of combat air is really all about.  To capture the difference between his generation of aircraft and the F-35, Timperlake has focused on what he calls the Z-axis and…

Shaping F-35 Production Maturity: A Dialogue with Dr. Don Kinard

2012-11-30 Earlier Second Line of Defense had a wide-ranging discussion with Don Kinard of Lockheed Martin, one of the best production specialists in the aviation business today. In that conversation we focused on the approach to building wings for the F-35. In our most recent visit to the F-35…

War in Gaza: The 40-Year Anniversary of the Lebanese War in Practice

2012-11-30 by Robbin Laird The 1982 Lebanese War was a significant event on many levels. But one of those levels was the testing of military equipment and operational approaches.  The Israelis used new unmanned aerial vehicles, new weapons against tanks, and new approaches to air-ground operations to defeat its enemies in…