The F-35 Program and Defense Industrial Innovation: The Case of ITT Exelis

2013-06-23 One of the missing aspects in discussing the F-35 program is its impact on innovation in the defense industry. A case in point is ITT Exelis which is opening a new facility, in part triggered by an F-35 contract. But the composites to be built at this facility has…

The Chairman of Quickstep Technologies, Australia, Focuses on the Future of Australian Defense Industry

2013-06-21 According to ABC news (Australia) in a news broadcast on June 20, 2013, the Chairman of Quickstep Technologies argues that a key way ahead for Australian defense industry is in using the technology developed from past government programs and accessing global supply chains. TONY EASTLEY: We're broadcasting today from a…

An Update on South Africa and the A400M

2013-06-21 Third Denel A400M work package re-negotiated after acquisition cancellation The loss of a multi-million Rand contract as a result of South Africa’s withdrawal from the A400M program has been successfully re-negotiated thanks to the ability of a Denel Group company to deliver on time and within budget in the…